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Lecture Schedule


  • 09.00-11.00 Physics (19, 26, 27, 28, 29 e 30  september: aula 1A edificio H3; 20,21,22,23 september: Aula Magna edificio D);
  • 11.00-13.00 Maths  (19, 26, 27, 28, 29 e 30  september: aula 1A edificio H3; 20,21,22,23 september: Aula Magna edificio D);
  • 14.30-16.30 Informatics (19, 21, 22, 23 september: aula magna edificio D; 20 september: aula 2A edificio D; 26, 28, 29 september: aula 1A edificio H3; 27, 30 september: aula 2A edificio H3).

Pre-courses can be attended only in presence. Recordings will not be available. 

Attending in presence: green pass is mandatory, it will be checked onentrance. The first day, you need to handle the following form. Please follow COVID prescriptions (check at this page).

Schedule of Lectures 

Lectures start on Monday, October 4 and Monday, March 1. Download the timetable here (in pdf):

The lessons will be in presence and also available online, in compliance with COVID regulations. Lessons will be held in rooms as specified in pdf files.


Instructions for class attendance

Download the instructions for attendance here, in pdf format.

There is an obligation to book access to the classroom through the # safety4all-UniTs app.

In the university area, it is mandatory to respect all covid regulations, in particular to always wear a mask (even outdoors) and to maintain social distancing.


Frequency in Presence

  1. Download the #safety4all-UniTs app for free from the Apple or Android app stores.
  2. When using the app for the first time, log in with your university credentials. If you do not have them yet, you can use the esse3 username and password (the ones used to enroll). At the first login, you will be asked to confirm the Covid declaration, valid for the whole semester. Read it carefully and respect the rules.
  3. Using the "Classroom and Calendar" button, select the day and classroom in which the lesson you are interested in takes place (the indication relating to the classrooms can be found on the lesson timetable).
  4. Book the lesson you are interested in, paying attention to any specific indications of the course (they will be provided directly during the lesson or with specific notices) taking into account any shifts.
  5. When you show up at the access door of the classroom, scan the QRcode and check that the application gives authorization to enter.
  6. Take a seat in the positions indicated by a white dot.
  7. If for any reason you decide not to attend a lesson you have booked, remember to cancel the booking.
  8. If you show up for class without having booked, you can make the reservation on the spot and if there are still free seats, the app will give the green light to access. It is important that only students who have booked enter into the classroom, for the sake of traceability.
  9. Those who do not have a smartphone must send an email with the reservation to specifying their personal details, including the enrolment number, and must complete the self-declaration of access to the university (without university credentials  to login, use this pdf).

Note: The lessons of the first year of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics are currently all in room 2A and room 2B of building H3. Lessons in 2A can already be booked via the app.
We ask you to reserve a place as a priority in room 2A and, if this is full, in room 2B.

Attention, in these first few days the app may have some operating difficulties. We ask you for a little patience. However, it is essential to download it and log in with the university or personal esse3 credentials, in order to complete the covid self-declaration.


Remote frequency

The remote frequency will be through the Microsoft Teams platform. Details will be made available soon.