The italian university is subject to a series of evaluation procedures and quality checks. The key player of this process is the Quality Assurance Committee, formed by professors and students of the course. You can contact them for further information.
Quality Assurance Committee members:
- prof. Luca Bortolussi (program coordinator)
- prof. Daniele Coslovich
- prof. Luca Manzoni
- prof.ssa Eva Sincich
- prof. Lorenzo Castelli
- prof. Roberta Pappadà
- William Mayer [student]
- Deana Silvia [student]
- Marco Gollinucci [student]
Each year students evaluate the courses. Here you can find the results (this will work only from 2021).
Statistics on emplyoment of graduates from the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics program can be found in Almalaurea, of course not before we will have graduated students.
Advisory board (composition updated in 2020):
- Helmut Kirchner (Cybertec)
- Andrea Zancola (AcegasApsAmga)
- Federico Urban (Plus Solutions)
- Fabrizio Rovatti (Area Science Park)
- Carlos Kavka (Esteco)
- Fulvio Sbroiavacca (INSIEL)
- Elisabetta Michieli (Confindustria Alto Adriatico)
- Giuseppe Saragò (Wartsila)
- Andrea Pezzotta (Generali SpA)
Finally, if you are interested in the rules of the course, and in other formal documents, here they are:
- Course Manifesto (in italian)
- Course rules (Regolamento - in italian)
- SUA (Course description according to Bologna indicators - available from Universitaly - in italian)
- Study plan (in italian)